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Writer's pictureMelissa Hughes

Intellectual Humility: Are You Open to Being Wrong?

Updated: Jun 22, 2023

If I asked you if you identify as a racist, a xenophobe, or a bigot, chances are pretty good you’d say, “Of course not!”  But, I’d like to pose a tougher question.  Are you ignorant?  Before you answer, let’s establish a working definition of ignorance for the purpose of this exercise.

ig·no·rant| ˈiɡnərənt | adjective 

  1. lacking knowledge; uneducated about a particular topic;

  2. one who makes inaccurate assumptions based upon a lack of awareness or insight.

The vast majority of us would not self-identify as ignorant. Statistically speaking, more than 75% of us would claim to be of above average intelligence. However, given our working definition of ignorance, when was the last time you made an inaccurate assumption about someone with whom you disagreed?  Have you ever generalized those on the other side of the issue as idiots who just don’t get it? Pick a topic.



Police reform.

Health care.


"Our comforting conviction that the world makes sense rests on a secure foundation: our almost unlimited ability to ignore our own ignorance." - Daniel Kahneman

How receptive are you to consider that you may be wrong rather than persuade someone that you're right? Two open-minded people trying vehemently to convince the other of “rightness” is something of an oxymoron. Everyone seems to be increasingly more convinced of their “rightness” and the “wrongness” of those with a different opinion. Most of us simply are not as open-minded as we’d like to think.

There is something intellectually impressive about having the kind of humility necessary to acknowledge there is a lot you don't k now and that a lot of what you think you know is distorted or wrong.

It’s human nature to see ourselves as more insightful, and more “right” than others. It’s a prime example of illusory superiority bias, and it’s true for politics, religion, social issues, and even fashion. Those topics often make for contentious, uncomfortable, and frustrating conversations. And, at a time when conflicting opinions are everywhere, it’s easier to walk away from the discussion altogether and disregard the person as an “idiot.”

Consider a 2017 study in which scientists asked 2,400 well-educated adults to consider arguments on politically controversial issues — same-sex marriage, gun control, marijuana legalization, abortion, etc. When asked to discuss these issues with people who opposed their viewpoints, approximately two thirds of people stuck so firmly to their positions they gave up a chance to win extra money in order to avoid the conversation much less entertain opposing views.

The rate at which we learn directly correlates with our willingness to consider new ideas

At a time when it seems that we’re all more convinced than ever of our own rightness, social scientists are exploring a concept called intellectual humility. People with high levels of intellectual humility don’t try to convince others of their perspective, rather they search to discover their own distorted thinking. Intellectual humility is not just being open to the possibility of being wrong. It’s actively searching for evidence toprove they are wrong.


Intellectual humility is a powerful path to personal growth.

People with intellectual humility come from the "crooked timber" school of humanity - moral realists who believe that character is demonstrated through internal struggle rather than external superiority.

This is not an instinctive behavior. It is uncomfortable to be wrong; it’s even more uncomfortable to search out why we are wrong about a deep-seated belief. The ingrained idea that our own unique life experiences give us greater insight than those around us may be the biggest obstacle to growth.

In a 2017 study conducted at Duke University, researcher Mark Leary and his colleagues conducted a series of studies illustrating that by building our capacity for intellectual humility, we also increase empathy, and emotional intelligence, improve decision-making, and significantly build our base of knowledge.

The ability to discover our own distorted thinking is the gateway to intellectual growth


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