Melissa Hughes
Sep 1, 20245 min read
The Goldilocks Principle: Finding the Sweet Spot Between Burnout and Boredom
It's no secret that stress is bad for us. But not enough stress may be just as bad. The Goldilocks Rule is key for maximum productivity.
Melissa Hughes
Mar 30, 20234 min read
The Multisensory Dining Experience: How the Brain Tastes Food
Eating is one of the most multisensory parts of our day. But, did you know that the brain tastes the food long before it passes the lips?
Melissa Hughes
Mar 21, 20233 min read
WTF? How Typography Hacks the Brain
Everything we read in in print or online is influenced by the font we see much like music in a film. Typography is what language feels like.
Melissa Hughes
Jan 20, 20224 min read
Restaurant Science: The Magic of Menus and Music
From the menu to the music to the server, the brain begins tasting the food long before it even reaches the lips.