Melissa Hughes
Dec 1, 20243 min read
The Deceptive Power of The Decoy Effect
The decoy effect is one of the best known biases violating rational thought. And it has a powerful impact on the decisions we make.
Melissa Hughes
Feb 1, 20243 min read
Neuromarketing: To Buy or Not to Buy
Neuromarketing is in its infancy, but we are learning a lot about unconscious factors that persuade us to buy or not. The right packaging c
Melissa Hughes
Apr 27, 20234 min read
Why Personalized Consumer Experiences are so Sticky
Customers value the experience more than the brand. When that experience is personal, it's more meaningful and memorable.
Melissa Hughes
Jan 20, 20224 min read
Restaurant Science: The Magic of Menus and Music
From the menu to the music to the server, the brain begins tasting the food long before it even reaches the lips.
Melissa Hughes
Dec 22, 20191 min read
How Retailers Use Music to Influence Spending
Strategic overhead and in-store music can keep customers in-store longer and increase purchase intent.